Friday, April 15, 2011

I hate it when people try to force their opinions on others...

...So I like to berate them until they realize they're wrong.

Kidding. lol

Boredom. Procrastination.

I start to wonder if my stubborn views on racism and hypocrisy are too...well...stubborn. I'm not necessarily being a very good Buddhist when I get all worked up about these things.

There are always bound to be people who are bigots and stupid. There are always bound to be misunderstandings.

Does letting go of this mean ignoring these people and their strange (WRONG) views? can that be? How can we sit here and listen to crazy people --and allow them to continue being crazy???

Then again, generally, it's hard to educate the stupid --they are, after all, stupid. Not to mention everyone believes their own opinion to be right and very few ever admit it when they're wrong. In fact isn't that the whole basis behind the theory of the Id, Ego and Super-Ego --the way the mind seeks to protect itself from anything that may cause it distress?
In that respect, if your opinion is proven wrong --you will still ignore it, usually by denying it, in order to protect your mind from trauma. Therefore, trying to educate someone is pointless isn't it?

But isn't the whole point of being a Buddhist not just to know, but to teach as well?
...Or is that somewhat egoistical? Who says anyone wants to be taught?


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