Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Tackle Liberals before it's too late.

Tackle "extreme Islam before it's too late"

Me again. With another rant.

So picture yourself on the train. The train stops at the next station and two men stroll into the carriage. One is an unshaven, beer-smelling, slack mouthed bogan, and the other is a clean, quiet, well-mannered man wearing Muslim garb.

Who would you rather sit next to you?

Well, I know my answer wouldn't be the bogan.

Now I've moved around alot. Almost once every year since I was born, to be exact (or rather, not really, because I said 'almost'...but close enough).
I've met all sorts of people.

You've got the:

- nice worldly people with uncommon good sense
- nice enough people who aren't very worldly but are open minded
- nice enough people who aren't worldly at all but...think they are (they're harmless enough, just ignore them if they start talking)
- nice enough people who couldnt care less about the world
- close minded bigots whose entire world revolves around backward values

Or variations of the above.

I'm sorry, but I've never quite warmed to the last lot. Unfortunately, they're everywhere.
I saw a news program a few months ago where they were discussing how Muslim women should not be allowed to cover their faces in Australia.
One woman was interviewed and said, "I think they're scary. Yeah, (sic) because I can't see their faces."
I sat there and gaped at the television screen. Was she SERIOUS?!
Personally I think her ignorance is scarier.
Then you've got all these numbskulls talking about "Well, if you move to Australia, you have to embrace the Australian lifestyle."

I'm sorry, I was born here, all my friends growing up were white, and I actually hate BBQing in 40 degree heat. Are you going to deport me?

WTF is this 'Australian lifestyle' I keep hearing about?

All right, I'll admit it, I do think people should at least learn English. I mean, it's really ridiculous to expect to live in a country and not speak its language (although plenty of Americans do that in Hong Kong and nobody really says anything about that but whatever...). At the same time, why should a person give up their culture?

I love being an Australian Born Chinese. I love Chinese New Year, I love chinese food and I love Jet Li. I am not giving up Jet Li for Shane Warne. I'm just not. Firstly, Shane is a chubby cheating attention-whore, and secondly because Jet is infinitely cooler. Thirdly because he can kick your ass and played the best Wong Fei Hong ever.

I thought being Australian was about being open-minded and embracing other cultures. What's this awesome multiculturalism we keep boasting about? Where's that going to go if we expect everyone to go all bogan once their feet touch this soil?

And most importantly, where the hell do you people think you're going to get good food?
Australian cuisine is actually crap. You know it, I know it. If you all ate snags and backed beans everyday you'd die. Or want to. It all amounts to the same thing really.

I am so angrified by this article I want to go and strangle bogans. Just take them by their horrible stringly hair and strangle them with it. Then bathe in dettol.

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