Thursday, February 10, 2011


At around 1:30am today I received a facebook message that a young woman I once worked with had passed away on Tuesday this week.

Her name was Corin Westwood-Jones. When I went to my interview to get that job, she was the first person I met. She was the receptionist that greeted me. Then as time went by, she became our stand-in manager.

I always thought she was the nicest. I always thought she was wonderful. God, I thought I had gone through life saying everything I ever wanted to, to people so that I would never regret it, but I haven't.

Here I am saying, "I wish I had told Corin all this."

And I can't.

I don't really believe in --or know what happens after a person dies. I don't know if she can sense this, or ever find out I felt these things. I can't imagine...whether --I dont know what I'm typing anymore.

"Rest in peace" is what people say when someone dies. What does that mean? I say that when I don't feel very much for those people.

I wasn't close to Corin. The pain I feel is slight and nothing compared to those who loved her most.

I want to say, "I am glad to have known you. I am glad to have met you. I wish I had said this to you. I am sorry you are gone. This world is a sadder place without you."

The last part sounds cliche, but it's true. Corin was a wonderful person. You could tell by just talking to her. She was always all smiles, all kind words. I loved her, not like a close friend or family member, or lover would --but as someone who is glad to have known her, to have spoken to her, and to have had the honour of being brushed by her in this life as we passed each other by.

I am glad to have met you. Thank you, and wherever you are now, I wish you well from the very bottom of my heart.

I dont have the heart to delete this, but I don't want anyone to read this because a blog post cheapens everything. This isn't meant to be a corny post. This is what I feel, and nobody should really need to read this and I don't want you to. I just dont have the heart to delete this.